Thursday, January 5, 2012



I once knew a man
who lived in a box
He was a happy man
Who collected rocks
He had no car
But didn’t even care
He had a big beard
And long scraggily hair
The street was his home
And a box his house
Newspapers for blankets
His best friend a mouse
I found out later
That he was loaded with money
Why he lived like this
To me seemed kind of funny
Why I asked do you live like this
His answer was something that you
don’t want to miss
He said he was sick of I pods
Computers and cars
He just wanted to enjoy the sun
the moon and the stars
I asked don’t you miss having a house
And using you BMW to get you about
He said money is just money
and stuff is just stuff
Everything I have here is really quite enough
I only use what I need and give away the rest
It is my journey and also my test
I think greed is an awful thing
I would give all my money away
To be a simple man and just live in the grey

By Dallas-Taylor Stanfield

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