Sunday, January 29, 2012

Weekend chores.

Well Saturday we went to Bonham so I could get the stuff to fix the breaks on the Suburban. New rotor, new breaks, grease for bearings, and break cleaner so I could clean the oil off the new rotor. The cost $100.00 We also went to Bonham hardware to get a new faucet for the kitchen sink. Of course I got the wrong one. Anyway took Julie and the younger boys to Pizza Hut for lunch. Came home and just kind of laid around the rest of the day watching T.V. Oh how I love to lounge on the weekend!!! Today got up and watched my favorite The Sunday Morning show. Then after a few cups of my wife's awesome coffee I got started on the break job. Done in about an hour. I just got out of the shower getting cleaned up. I need to go to Sherman now so Julie can get a new phone and I can find out what I need to get this faucet in our kitchen fixed. Then who knows what we will do. I just love being at home. I cant wait to be back from Sherman. Tomorrow back to the old grind....Hope everyone has had a great weekend...
Catch you on the flip side. Oh I still need to finish painting all that's left is the hall, that probably wont happen today. Oh well I have plenty of time to get it done...

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