Thursday, December 15, 2011

day 2

We are starting to slow down at work a little for Christmas.. Yeah!!! We have been so busy for so long. Its a grey rainy day over in Allen Texas where I work. Hope to maybe take off a little early today but probably not. I hope that everyone has a great day. Here is a poem for today...

My life has been filled with greatness because of you
Your love, your patients and the little things you do
I love sitting outside with you just talking
Or drinking, dreaming, working or walking
I feel loved when you touch me in the night,
Bring me a glass of tea or refuse to fight
I sometimes get angry and act a fool
I raise my voice to much I’m such a tool
I don’t mean to stress over the trivial crap
I don’t know why I do I’m just crazy like that
I want you to know I am nothing without you
All day long it’s you I look forward to
I feel empty when I can’t smell you near
Or lean over a whisper something nasty in your ear
I know the boys probably hate me some of the days
I just want them to be good men
When they grow up and move away
Someday when we are out walking the beach
They will understand the lessons I teach
Anyway I just wanted to let you know
You are still my soul mate
And I do love you so

Dallas-Taylor Stanfield

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