My name is Dallas-Taylor Stanfield. I was born in Irving TX July 24, 1971, Today is my oldest sons birthday he just turned 19 and I am 40. I also have a 22 year old daughter, a 18 year old son, a 13 year old son, and an 8 year old son as well. I am married to Julie Stanfield born March 19, 1976 she is the love of my life. I am a simple man with an average job. I run and manage a screen printing shop for four soccer stores in north Texas. I have been at the same Liam job for 12 years.
Anyway I wanted to start this blog simply for my love of writing. I will be sharing parts of my life with you and also hope to share some of my poetry with you guys as well. I will see if I can actually keep up with this blog.
I wont know if I don't try...
I’m a single blade of grass
I grimace at your mower
I want to grow big and tall
But you want to make me lower
There are a billion blades of grass
Trying to fill your yard
With a little rain and sun
We are all trying so hard
You don’t bother the flowers
And the trees seem to grow
But us grass blades
and you and your 53” deck
We have no where we can go
You just come and cut our heads off
We know how you feel we hate crab grass too
I’m just a simple blade of grass
And this my simple point of view.
School Rules!
My son makes good grades and loves to go to school
But he’s a skater and I don’t agree with your rules
You say that his hair must be above his eyebrows and his ears
But in this school there are kids with tattoos
and piercings to show their peers
They say that tats are ok because they can’t make them go away
I always told my boys however they want to wear their hair with me is ok
I am the parent and my kids are great
They always do their chores and make good grades
So tell me why my kids hair has to be short
It bothers me more than them I hate to report
When I was young my hair was long too
It’s called individuality it makes you you
What’s next they all have to have burs
So when you go to pick them up they look like lemmings on the curb
I know it is stupid but I have to rant
When I tell my kids they can do something and you say they can’t
It’s only hair just let it go
I had a doctor and a judge who had long hair you know
Rebellions, is that what you want
Making rules like you do it won’t take long
Your only young once to do what you please
So be careful that the rules are the ones that you need
I can’t even believe this is something I’m writing about
I don’t understand the message your trying to give out
God forbid anything be wrong with you
But if the doctor who was going to save your life had long hair would you make him leave the room
P.S. I have short hair
By my decision
Its called individuality
By Dallas-T Stanfield
I really hope that we can have a great time on this blog. I know I will have fun writing it I hope you will have fun reading it. I wanted to add something. My son was diagnosed with perthes a rare bone disease of the hip
He is in a petre cast right now and this is what it looks like. He has been in this for six weeks. Then I will keep you updated on the progress.
What I Believe
I believe that angels surround me
In spite of my ways
I believe my children love me
Most of the days
I believe my wife is my greatest asset
I can’t believe she puts up with me
And hasn’t left me yet
I believe my family knows
I love them so much
I believe that I’m just a tiny bit nuts
I believe that money isn’t the answer
To all the problems I see
I believe not to believe
Everything I see on T.V.
I believe a hug is a wonderful thing
I believe when I’m happy I like to sing
I believe that a dog is an unconditional friend
I believe that today I’m sick of the wind
I believe we all need to lend a hand
To the troubled and less fortunate nameless man
I really believe people are to wrapped in stuff
Some of the things people buy is a little to much
I believe we spoil our children to a great extent
With video games, toys, and money that’s spent
I believe that it’s the simple things we need to bestow
How to love, trust, and care is what they really need to know
I believe children are more understanding than we think
Mine have taught me more lessons than I can retain
I believe that I have much to be grateful for
I believe right now I need nothing more