Thursday, December 6, 2012


I dont have enough money to buy modern art

I dont have enough cash to fix my old car

I dont have enough funds to eat fancy dinners

I hang out with losers but we all think were winners

We have just enough money to buy friday night beers

We have just enough cash to drown out our fears

We fave just enough funds to make our bills

but dont leave nothing out we may be tempted to steal

Cash and checks change and ends

We are all striving for more dividends

We get on the starting line day after day

but week after week were still in the same place

Im not gonna win the lottery not even a chance

Im sorry 175,000,000 to 1 thas the odds that you get

Nobody rich in my family to leave me any wealth

I guess I should be happy that I have my health

Cash and checks change and ends

We are all striving for more dividends

We get on the starting line day after day

but week after week were still in the same place
By Dallas-Taylor Stanfield

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