Tuesday, June 26, 2012

15 years

Today is mine and my wife Julies 15th wedding anniversary. We have been through alot together.
We have had our highs and our lows but one thing that stays consistant is our love for one another.
We also have been able to remain best friends through the past 15 years. I cant even begin to express how lucky I am to have such an awesome wife, friend and mother for our children in my life. I dont know how I was so lucky to be the guy that she picked to spend the rest of her life with but I sure am glad that I was the one she picked. I could never love anyone the way that I love her. She is everything to me. I can honestly say that she has never done anything to hurt me she is always my support. I hope that I am doing my job of keeping her happy. No matter what happens in the future I know I will have my one true love there with me.

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