Thursday, June 21, 2012

Another day in the life of me!

Hey, whats up all you fine people that read my blog? I hope everyone is going to enjoy this summer.
Looks like another year without a vacation, that will make two in a row. That is so laim!!
I need to get sand in my crack and have the ocean water burn my fresh shaven face.
I sure would love to smell the saltwater again. Its been way to long for me. Im drying out....
I want to hold my wifes hand and walk down the beach as the sun is setting.
Those days seem so far away now. however at the same time it feels like it was yesterday!!
My wife and I got married on the beach. Its also kind of where we fell in love with each other.
I ask myself in my mind why the hell dont I live near the beach. I feel it calling me all the time.
Anyway just wanted to try and keep this blog alive so I will be in touch again soon.
I dont have any big news right now anyway.

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