Monday, November 26, 2012

Well I hope everyone had a great Monday back at work. I sure wish I would have won that lottery on Saturday. Oh well I will make the best of what I have. I have a lot to be thankful for! My family is so awesome! every last one of them even the ones I don't see. I love all of them with all my heart. I sometimes get cranky over stupid stuff that don't even matter and I'm sorry for that. I'm only human.
I believe that my whole family knows how much I love them and accept me for the man that I am.
2013 is going to be the year I really find inner peace with all the things that bother me. I will always continue to try to be a better man than I am now. I believe that my family loves me just as much as I love them. I will always do whatever I have to do to make sure everyone knows how much I love them. Anyway Happy Monday To All!!!!!!!!!

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